terça-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2013

Sally's Song

É... exatamente um ano atrás eu fiz uma crítica sobre o The Nightmare Before Christmas. Acho que qualquer pessoa que acompanhe meu blog deve ter notado que eu sou "só um pouquinho" apaixonada por contos (a idéia inicial do blog era só contos e crônicas, mas acabei não conseguindo resistir) e filmes do Tim Burton. Nesse lindo dia, revivo mais um pouco a magia de Burton na minha memória, mas agora, uma música que amo muito.

Sally's Song

I sense there's something in the wind
That feels like tragedy's at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that I have
The worst is just around the bend

And does he notice my feelings for him?
And will he see how much he means to me?
I think it's not to be

What will become of my dear friend?
Where will his actions leaves us then?
Although I'd like to join the crowd
In their enthusiastic cloud
Try as I may, it doesn't last

And will we ever end up together?
Oh, oh

And will we ever end up together?
No I think not, it's never to become
For I am not the one

Uma versão da Amy Lee <3 

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